Let woman’s claim be as broad in the concrete as the abstract. We take our stand on the solidarity of humanity, the oneness of life, and the unnaturalness and injustice of all special favoritism, whether of sex, race, country, or condition. If one link of the chain is broken, the chain is broken. | Anna Julia Cooper

News in Motion
Faithful friends, News In Motion is on haitus for the moment as we process current events and pivot back to the Politics and Prose Podcast. Previous episodes are archived below. I truly hope you will come back as we prepare to celebrate five years of News in Motion. But if this season is over for you, know that I am deeply grateful for your support and for being part of this journey for as long as you have. I understand—too much news can be overwhelming. Our focus has always been to provide the facts without the propaganda or spin. We educate and break down the news in a fair and balanced way, which is something I’m proud of always.
Show some love and loyalty with your very own exclusive News In Motion mug. Start your day right, with News In Motion on your screen and in your hands.
Gail Dudley makes sure her work is accurate, relevant, and unbiased, which allows her audience to make their own informed decisions. Gail assertively provides her listeners with trustworthy, fact-based information with enthusiasm and a smile! Her passionate, refreshing, and knowledgeable delivery of important information, encourages her listeners to become involved and make their voices count!
Advocacy 101
Let’s talk politics, community engagement, advocacy, and organizing.
Mirroring her show News in Motion, Gail provides citizens with the opportunity to become more engaged in civic life through voter education, voter participation, and a call to action by coaching civic-minded clients on advocacy, building community, fundraising for a campaign, and building a powerful message.
Book your Advocacy 101 Coaching Session today and walk away with a beginning plan to #DoSomething within your community.
Join us at the table to engage in justice conversations such as poverty, human and civil rights, marginalized women and girls, and racial and social justice struggles of communities as diverse individuals.