Distorted View with Cherelle P. Ward

In this special episode of “Politics and Prose,” our host Gail Dudley sat down with author Cherelle P. Ward to kick off an inspiring Author Month. Cherelle’s book, “Distorted View,” is a powerful memoir that delves into the journey of self-discovery, healing, and authenticity. In this episode, we explore Cherelle’s personal experiences, the steps she took to transform her life, and the valuable lessons she imparts in her book.

Episode Highlights:

  1. A Journey to Authenticity: Cherelle shares her personal journey and the pivotal moments that led her to question the authenticity of her life.
  2. Steps to Healing: Cherelle outlines the steps she believes are essential to healing, including embracing vulnerability, seeking help from friends and therapists, and doing the necessary emotional work.
  3. Transparency and Homework: The importance of being transparent with yourself and actively addressing past trauma is a key focus of Cherelle’s message.
  4. Empowering Change: Cherelle encourages listeners to take steps towards healing and self-discovery, including taking classes and putting in the work required for transformation.
  5. The Power of Authenticity: Cherelle’s book serves as a testament to the transformation that is possible when one chooses to live authentically.
  6. Audience Takeaways: Listeners are encouraged to take notes and gain insights from Cherelle’s experiences and the wisdom she shares in this episode.

Book Availability:

  • “Distorted View” by Cherelle P. Ward is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Order your copy today to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

This episode is a must-listen for those seeking inspiration, healing, and the courage to live their truth. Join us as we explore the profound insights shared by Cherelle P. Ward in “Distorted View.”



Authors! Exclusive Opportunity for 10 Authors Before the Gift Buying Season!

Are you eager to boost the visibility of your book and reach a wider audience just before the gift-buying season? Here’s an opportunity to get your work featured on two remarkable platforms: News in Motion and Politics & Prose with Gail Dudley! We’re excited to extend this special offer to authors who have been in the industry for up to three years.

Our audience, both on News in Motion and Politics & Prose, consists of a diverse and engaged community. It includes executives, advocates, ministry leaders, nonprofit visionaries, stay-at-home parents, homeschool parents, pastors, small business owners, entrepreneurs, politicians, grassroots organizers, graphic artists, designers, visionaries, and many others. This eclectic mix of individuals ensures that your book will have a wide-reaching impact, connecting with a diverse array of readers who are passionate about various aspects of life and leadership.

Here’s what we’re offering for November 2023:

Book Trailer Promotion: For just $99, you can have your book trailer shared on the air! This includes a 60-second audio trailer for Politics & Prose or a captivating 60-second video trailer for News in Motion. Share on both platforms for a combined cost of $169. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to captivate your audience visually and audibly.

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