If we’re hurt or if we feel pain, we need inner healing. Today’s episode is about just such a journey in Gail’s life. She shares scripture that she has found helpful as well as the ideas she embraced after having a conversation with God. 

Everyone has their own mindset

Gail shares how our mindset can play a large part in our lives and how being determined can get you to where you want to be! So why, then, do we tend to quit things that we start?

Gail also shares the six items included in the inner healing self-care session, as follows:

  1.    Admit that there’s something wrong
  2.   Realize that you cannot do this on your own
  3.   Believe in God and what He says
  4.   Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide
  5.   Express your honest feelings
  6.   Understand that forgiveness is necessary

Gail always believes that we’re going to reach this goal and that we’ll do this together. Let us always encourage each other and be kind to one another. Everyone has their story and we do not know what someone else is going through.

Find out:

  • How to get to the root of the problem and how to conquer it to change our mindset.
  • The meaning behind the Biblical message to “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”.
  • The quote that Gail has been sharing since 2015.
  • How to avoid becoming a hostage to your past
  • How to take the first step, “Do that today!”

Don’t miss Gail’s Lemonade Mimosa recipe which was shared by Elisa from Utah!

Don’t Miss This!

Gail will be holding a masterclass online, for an hour at the beginning of each week for seven weeks. The masterclass kicks off this Monday–and you don’t want to miss it. Send an email at [email protected], and Gail will make sure you get the details!

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