Speaking Inquiry
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It has been more than a year! Like you, I have so many questions. How do we return to normal? Where do we begin? So much has changed, right?
I’ve been in a place of process. I was doing so well with balancing my life, ridding myself of stress, digging out of debt, gaining more contracts, and shedding a few pounds. Then COVID-19 happened.
Many of us were doing well! We set off on the right course witnessing authentic transformation within ourselves. Many of us finally found that place of surrender into God’s loving care.
I have heard from so many of you. I heard so many stories of the difficulty of staying on track while experiencing fear of this virus’s unknown and how the weight of life returned upon your shoulders.
As we prayerfully near the end of this pandemic, I believe there remains a healing balm of freedom.
Many of us have been in a renewed place of feeling stuck, wounded, frustrated, and filled with pain. As I asked in 2017, today I ask again, “Do you want to be well?” It’s time to tackle all that came with COVID-19. Getting to the Root of It: A Healing Balm of Freedom helps us move forward with boldness and confidence.
I still stand by the original purpose of this book/workbook, which is to create a healing place just for you and assist you in getting to a place where you can be healed and lose the weight of life through prayer.
I have prayed and sat before the Lord, asking Him to help me help so many women far and near what is now our new season of life and help us lay aside the weight. This weight could be actual body weight, financial lack that has become a weight, toxic relationships, feelings of insignificance, and holding on to the difficulty of embracing what we have experienced the last twelve months or more.
God has answered me.
Beginning Monday, I will kick off a new season of Getting To The Root of It, utilizing the original book/workbook. BUT…
You will not have to pay for the book. I will send you the PDF of the book/workbook for free and will guide you throughout the 49-day adventure to freedom. Yes, the PDF is free. You will only have to invest $1.00 per day for 49-days. Yes, that’s right—$ 49.00 total.
You’ll get the PDF and weekly 15-minutes videos with me guiding you throughout the process, plus a daily message online. Additionally, you will have access to me through email if you have a question or need prayer or an encouraging word.
We start Monday, March 22, 2021. All you have to do to participate is email [email protected] saying, “Yes, I am in!” Give me your name and an email where I can send you an invoice. OR you can CashApp me to $MIMToday and put your name in the note section and email [email protected] saying, “Yes, I am in! I sent you a CashApp.”
That’s it!
I hope you will join me and others who have already committed to this journey of Getting To The Root of It and laying aside the weight of life. Feel free to invite others. We are about to shed some weight! The weight of life! Yes, and the weight too!
Let’s Go!
In Obedience to Christ,
~ Gail