Speaking Inquiry
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Who Told You That
Session 4 ~
The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” How shall we guard our minds? It is possible to allow our mind to run rampant. The mind will direct you one way as it follows the heart. Our heart must be right with God.
The flesh, thought, will, and emotions work by deceit and the primary target is the mind. If the enemy is successful in getting to you through your mind it will affect your heart as well. This is how our heart becomes hardened. If the mind gives in—well, it’s over. We have to guard our heart and mind. To protect oneself against the mind’s deceit, we have to fix our mind on the love of Jesus. Here is our dilemma: the flesh resists with all its strength, therefore, we must rely solely on Christ to prevent being lied to and tricked in the first place. [Shared from my book Who Told You That]
Tweetable: Our mind is a battlefield, and we have the power within us to block those things that are trying to take over our mind which is not of Christ. @GailDudley
Our mind is a battlefield, and we have the power within us to block those things that are trying to take over our mind which are not of Christ. Speak God’s Word over your life daily. Read Scriptures throughout the day. Use index cards and post Scriptures throughout your home, on your dashboard, at your desk. Place images of Scriptures as a screen saver on your mobile device. Scriptures on your mind will block the things that are not of Christ that may try to enter in.
Here’s this weeks video. Let me know how you are doing. Email me or contact me through my website. www.GailDudley.com
Please note: My calendar is now available to book additional speaking engagements from July through December 2018. Contact me through my website: www.GailDudley.com