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May 29, 2018
Urgent Plea for Prayer
This image was taken on Mt. Hermon/Golan Heights on May 17. Golan – Hebrew as “something surrounded” is mentioned as a city of refuge. Sweltering day. We had to take a type of ski lift to reach the top of the mountain. At the height of this mountain, as we stood and sought the Lord how to pray, we could hear gunshots below close to the Syria border. The region is a plateau. The boundaries of the province today are Mt. Hermon on the North, Jordan and the Sea of Galilee on the West, Wady Yarmuk on the South, and Nahr on the East. This plateau, which is the North is about 3,000 ft. high, slopes gradually southward in the height of about 1,000 ft. There are many cone-like peaks of extinct volcanoes, especially toward the North. It affords good pasturage. It was at the highest point on this mountain where we prayed and asked God for miracles.
Tweetable: Today, in our urgency, regardless of where you stand, pray asking God for miracles. @GailDudley
Miracles are not solely works of possibility or familiar answers to prayer. Miracles is defined in the dictionary as, “An event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is therefore attributed to divine intervention.”
Miracles as displayed in the Bible are:
How Can We Expect the Miraculous?
Miracles, such as the healing of the woman who was bleeding for twelve years, come by faith. She had faith enough to take a risk and touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. She had faith to believe that if she could simply touch the hem, she would be made well. She did not have a formula and she did not perform some sort of ritual. She simply had a little faith. Jesus said, if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can tell your mountain (obstacle, hindrance, or problem) to move and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20) ~ as long as it lines up with the will of the Lord.
How Shall I Pray?
If praying for the miraculous or praying to intercede on behalf on another we must …
My missionary prayer journey to Israel was a miracle. The fact I was able to have people in my life sow into this mission is a miracle. I will be forever grateful to each person who believes in what I have been called to do to invest in my work and ministry. Thank you!
How can the Ministry in Motion intercessors join you in praying for your miracles?