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May 2, 2018
Urgent Plea for Prayer
This day begins with these words in the book, “Let’s confuse the enemy and begin to PRAISE! Throughout this entire day, no matter what may come your way, PRAISE!
Seriously, no matter what is going on, even if it’s a crisis, begin to praise. Sing songs all day long. Hit the repeat button on your smart phone, in your car, on your tablet, iPod, etc. Dance today! Clap your hands today! Speak Scriptures today! Be a person of praise.
“Praise is an act of intense and intentional personal or corporate worship or acknowledgement by which the virtue and action of the sovereign and omnipotent God are celebrated. We praise God for who He is and all that He has done (1 Chronicles 16:25; Psalm 150:2; Isaiah 25:1, Colossians 3:16-18). Praising God for who He is is called adoration. Praising God for what He does is called thanksgiving. The experience of praising the Lord may be in song or prayer, individually or collectively, spontaneous or planned, originating from the emotions or from the will (Psalm 34:1; 71:6, 14). Sometimes our praise is by necessity sacrificial because of what we are experiencing in the battle (Hebrew 13:15). Failure to praise God is to withhold from God what rightfully belongs to Him. We always have a choice as to what we will do in the seasons of our trial and tribulation. You could: stress out, feel bad, get angry, be miserable, run away, live in denial, try to control, lash out, or YOU CAN PRAISE THE LORD!” (quote from Pastor Kevin Dudley, The Church at North Pointe teaching from “The Fight of Your Life.”)
Tweetable: Let’s confuse the enemy and begin to PRAISE! Throughout this entire day, no matter what may come your way, PRAISE! @GailDudley
“However, if you suffer…” [purchase Urgent Plea for Prayer to continue reading]
If you would like a hardcopy of Urgent Plea for Prayer they are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you would like a signed copy to include a personalized prayer from Gail to to her website to order. www.GailDudley.com
This is also Wednesday Worksheet day. Go to the website www.GailDudley.com to download today’s worksheet Prayer Positions.
Join the conversation. How do you praise the Lord?