Speaking Inquiry
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Are you ready to launch or advance your podcast, blog, or broadcast media platform?
For this episode, I am thrilled to interview Gina Winks and Molly Huggins as we launch our Power in Partnership initiative. We have formed this partnership with you in mind. We are partnering to support other visionaries in media and elevate thought leaders’ voices. We want your voices heard around the world.
Maybe you are an author and would like to unpack your books on air.
Maybe you are an electrician and would like to give step-by-step instructions on video.
Maybe you are an artist and would like to share your art on multiple podcast platforms.
Maybe you are a pastor and would like to put your Bible studies on blog posts and share through podcasts.
Maybe you are a mom-in-chief or a dadpreneur ready to unveil life hacks through a podcast.
Maybe you have nailed being an at-home-educator and have life lessons you would like to share on-air.
Whatever your idea, we are here and ready to help you make it happen.
Listen in as we share who we are, what we do, and how we will uplift you, your brand, and your business. Have a pen and paper, your computer, or a smart device ready to take notes.
Molly is a mother, wife, author, and powerhouse design consultant.
Gina is a mom, wife, businesswoman, and audio engineer who is the bomb dot com.
And there’s me, of course; I’m Gail, the host of NIMosaFriday’s and News in Motion. I’m a media personality, author, and publishing consultant.
We are so freaking excited to hear your voice on the air, your writing on the web, or your personality on Livestream.
To connect with Molly, visit:
To connect with Gina, visit:
Of course, to connect with me, Gail, visit: