Speaking Inquiry
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“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” [James 5:14]
I will never forget the day I drove from Columbus, Ohio to Pittsburg, PA for a leadership meeting. It was a bright sunny day and very peaceful. I opted out of having the radio on because I wanted to reflect on my life. I wanted to have a talk with Jesus without music playing. Without moments I settled into a time of self-evaluation and tears began to run down my face. I wasn’t sad; I was excited about what God had been doing in my life and what He was currently doing in my life.
I started praying differently. It wasn’t the same sort of prayers I had previously prayed. Suddenly God began revealing to me why I had avoided things in my life that He wanted me to do. Next thing I know I was asking God to help me get my body weight under control. I started praying…heck…I was begging! Lord, help me with my weight! The more I prayed, the more I realized God had already answered. Honestly, I wasn’t buying His answer. I finally gave in once I heard His audible voice say, “Pray to lose.”
“Wait! What?” was my initial reply. Yes, before you ask, this is how I talk to God. I asked, “Did you say, “Pray to lose?” With clarity, I heard, “Pray to lose.” Now before I lose you, I never thought God was telling me to continue to have bad eating habits and pray about it and the body fat would fall off. No. It was deeper than that.
He wanted me to get to the source of what was going on with me so that I could draw the connection between my bad habits and life situations. Actually, it had nothing to do with my body weight. It had everything to do with the weight of life that was affecting everything else in my life including my lousy life habits.
Honestly, our conversation did not sit well with me. I had been specifically praying during my drive to drop the added pounds around my waistline, but He had other plans. I kept wanting to make it about my physical weight, but God wanted me to see that He needed me to deal with my whole self. God wanted me to deal with the unforgiveness, the stress, the past rejections, and wounds. For me, I didn’t have time for that process. I had wanted to focus my prayers on having these fat cells disappear. I had to get to the root of it by laying aside the weight that hindered my forward motion. I had to throw off everything that was not of God and so easily entangled me. I needed to deal with my mindset, my emotions, and run with perseverance the race designed just for me (Hebrews 12:1).
Tweetable: I had to admit that I was sick. Let, that sit for a moment. Admitting something is wrong is the launching board into your healing. @GailDudley
After about an hour of my back and forth with Jesus, I finally accepted what He was speaking to my spirit and surrendered to the call to get to the root and allow the Source to help me. I committed to doing exactly as God had instructed.
Each morning after my drive to Pittsburg, PA that cold winter morning, I prayed specifically for my emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. God gave me instructions. I started noticing a mindset change. As my thought process shifted and the weight of life decreased, so did my physical weight. Within the first week, I had mental clarity. I even dropped a few pounds, and inches also decreased. My energy level was at an all-time high, and I found myself sleeping better at night. I felt the transformation taking place. The added benefit was that my jeans no longer fit. They were too big. My bra straps started falling off my shoulders. It is not a miracle; it is that I decided to be obedient and pray holistically.
I wish I could say that life was easy from that moment on, but it was not. It is a struggle, but you must decide that when you have a bad day, week, or month that you stay the course. You will find the strength to pick up where you left off. I’m not trying to hand you a simple plan of action. I refuse to lie and say it’s going to be easy. No! It will not. Yes, Jesus can touch you, and you can be healed.
The question I place on the table is this, what will you learn from God by His hand of healing without you learning how to deal with life situations? How will you be able to handle the next time you are wounded or struck with pain from a loved one? It begins with a relationship with Jesus. An authentic, intimate, love relationship. It is about trusting God with your life, which includes your pain and struggles. It is about digging deeper and finding the triggers that set you off. The process of getting to the root of it, and receiving a healing balm of freedom will allow you to pull back the layers of avoidance.
Want to get to the source and dig down through the roots? Are you ready to receive a healing balm of freedom? You will experience pain as you dive into the root cause of your wounds, but it will be worth it. Can you imagine the freedom you are about to experience? A kind of freedom that will thrust you into a new life of living? WOW! I can’t wait for you to experience all God has for you. You are about to release the weight of life for wellness transformation. All you have to say is, “Yes! I’m ready to invest in myself and take this journey.” We kicked off Getting To The Root of It for the last quarter of 2018. The last group of the year will begin on October 1, 2018. Won’t you join us?
Get ready for the most productive 49 days of your life! Grow deeper in your conversation with God and live the life God has ordained just for you.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth (Psalm 139:13-15, ESV).
February 17, 2017 began my journey. Each day as God was revealing things through me, He told me that many others needed this journey. He gave me clear instructions to design this online program to impart to others. Seven weeks (49-days).
Getting to the Root of It: A Healing Balm of Freedom is about holistic health. This is about our relationship with Jesus. It’s about experiencing everyday life with joy. It is about freedom. We will study God’s word, do personal reflection, pray differently,
ASK: We have women who are interested in joining this journey, but unable to participate due to their lack of…or having zero finances.
@ The Table with Gail and Ministry in Motion has a couple of slots available to women and girls who are in difficult situations. Please consider sponsoring someone and investing into this work. We are committed to this ministry of prayer along with prayer teachings, inner-healing coaching, and sharing the prophetic voice. Consider partnering with us by investing in this mission. We are intentional in building the kingdom of God and pouring into the lives of women and girls around the world through our ministry. You may give by using one of these methods:
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