Speaking Inquiry
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Lies Holding You Back?
It is time to know the truth and move closer to accomplishing your dreams, and your purpose. Too often people make the decision to forfeit their dreams and desires because of the lies whispered into their ears at some point during their life’s journey. Result? We end up paralyze unable to move forward.
Tweetable: Lies holding you back? Too often people make the decision to forfeit their dreams and desires because of the lies whispered into their ears at some point during their life’s journey. @GailDudley
For some it began with the lie of a teacher the moment you proclaimed you wanted to be (fill in the blank), and they told you that you could never accomplish such. For some it began with the lie of a parent or guardian speaking negative into your life such as, “You’re too much trouble.” For others past lies took root the moment you fell in love, which ended in a breakup where the parting words were, “You never meant anything to me.” It could have been your first boss who was jealous of you taking his/her position and decided to abuse you emotionally to get you to think you were embarking on the wrong career. Whatever was spoken into your life that is holding you back…it was and is a lie.
Questions to Pounder ~
Do you ever find yourself believing things others have told you about your life, your walk with God, the church, or even how you should interpret the Bible? Have you lived your life based upon a lie that someone has spoken into your life?
What To Expect ~
Gail Dudley’s “Who Told You That?” exposes the reality about some of those beliefs and assumptions. Genesis 1:1 reveals to us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Over and over again throughout the first chapter of Genesis God declares, “It was good.” It’s good! So what’s up with the woman in Genesis chapter three? What in the world? She, like many of us today, allows others to whisper in our ears the lies of the enemy that, in turn, fill our minds with false information. These 8 weeks will open your eyes, get you thinking, and lead you to ask yourself, and others, “Who Told You That?” It’s time to expose the deception and to live into the truth. It’s time to do what you’ve been called to do. It’s time to be free from the lies! READY? Join us today!
Description ~
In our culture today believers inevitably find themselves living their lives based upon false beliefs, very often unaware of the many harmful influences that have shaped and continue to hold us captive. To experience a life of truth it is absolutely critical to know the truth. God’s truth is what sets us free! Many people have the desire to know the truth, but are unsure how to connect and apply God’s truth. Just as we do today, the woman in Genesis 3 fell into the serpent’s trap, but God gives us all that we need to overcome the lies. In this book readers will gain insight that will help to strengthen and inspire us in our walk with the Lord.
Past Participant ~
Who Told You That is a great study. It challenges and stretches the reader, yet leaves the participants feeling empowered and encouraged to take on whatever lies ahead in their lives. This study truly makes the reader examine what they believe about themselves, why they believe it, and where those beliefs originated. I highly recommend this study for anyone who truly wants to take her life to the next level! D. Houston, Columbus, Ohio
Beginning June 5, 2018
Who Told You That? The Truth about the Lies blog posts will begin June 5, 2018. It’s an eight-week study where I will post once per week and will be available to answer your questions your post on the blog. Don’t delay. Purchase your book and workbook today. Gather 3 – 5 others to join you so you can process throughout each week. Videos, extra worksheets, and online group will also be available to go along with each week’s posts free of charge. Order the book and Bible study here: www.GailDudley.com