Woke up this morning and decided I’m doing another round of Getting To The Root of It. Want to join me?

Even if you don’t have the book, follow and like my page www.Facebook.com/GailSpeaks and get the daily prompters and information for each day of the 49-days along with a prayer.

If you want the book, it is a 8.5 x 11 workbook filled with content and prompters. It’s a workbook. I’ll say it again…it’s a workbook. If you want to get to the root of things, complete the pages each day for 49-days. Yes, it cover the enter 40-days of Lent.

What readers are saying…

“Gail, this piece is so powerful that I must alert all who embark upon this journey to be truly ready for real freedom from bondage and strongholds. It took me several days to address the “call to action” day one encouraged. I was moved to unmask, undress, unfriend, and unapologetically forgive myself and others for hurts I thought were dealt with, yet were merely suppressed so deep that I remained paralyzed in time unable to progress in an authentic walk through life. I knew then this process would ultimately propel me to become a healthier me. I had to confirm my decision to face head-on anything that posed a threat to this endeavor as there can be nothing more important. One must also be unashamed, brave, and fearless to reap the pure benefits that getting to the root of it offers.”

[Dr. Kim Carter, The Igniter]

“This study is so empowering. God is so good as He gently opens eyes in what needs to be discovered and exposed. Women will be so blessed by your work. The impact on marriages and individual lives will be plentiful. I have learned even after a few short weeks that God wants to intervene, heal, and bring freedom where darkness once was. He is waiting if we call on Him. Praise God for your obedience in crafting this study.

This study is immeasurable. I cannot describe how God opened my eyes and helped me through countless situations. The study was an absolute blessing. From the very first page, I thought if this were just a little different with examples of men from the Bible, this would work for husbands too. You could easily have a sequel for men. This study has given me more faith and grit to be able to help pray over my husband. Satan has worked overtime on my family during this study. This study has given me stronger legs to stand firm on the promises and blessings that I believe God will pour out and restore. I can have a supernatural joy that only comes from God, my father. I think God is saying through this study to come as you are. No appointment needed. He is always waiting. Arms open wide. He says to us, run my child. I am right here. The study strengthened my faith despite what circumstances may look like at the moment.”

[Melissa H., Iowa]

Anyway, the workbook is on Amazon. If you are interested in purchasing. Here’s the link to purchase and full transparency, it’s an affiliate link. https://amzn.to/3bG0Pbm

Root Of It Coverw-subtitle(bleed)

Again, you can come over to FB and follow along with the prompters. It’s up to you.

I would love your purchase since it helps out with helping women and girls through my ministry, Ministry in Motion Int’l.

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