Before The Year Ends & The New Year Begins

Before The Year Ends & The New Year Begins

Grateful You Stopped By. Since you are here, would you mind helping us out? News in Motion has been on the scene since June 2020. The community is growing, and we are becoming like family. People are here for honest, no propaganda news Monday – Friday. Viewers...
Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve

It’s been a while since I have reached out to you via email. Honestly, I have been pressing into a season of self-evaluation over the past year, a year that has been so difficult for so many. Embracing this “new normal” has its ups and downs. The coronavirus has taken...
Make This Make Sense

Make This Make Sense

It has arrived. We are well into Black Friday, although we are in the middle of a pandemic. We have entered the sales weekend of the year. Black Friday.Small Business Saturday.Cyber Monday. I’m a businesswoman. Why don’t I feel like participating?...

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