Business Focus

Business Focus

It’s a new week and a new month. As I sit in my sweet spot at the intersection of people, prayer, and politics, I decided to make this blog post. My hope is to use my mentoring/coaching background and experience as an opportunity to serve the community during...
Make This Make Sense

Make This Make Sense

It has arrived. We are well into Black Friday, although we are in the middle of a pandemic. We have entered the sales weekend of the year. Black Friday.Small Business Saturday.Cyber Monday. I’m a businesswoman. Why don’t I feel like participating?...
Beyond Prayer Intercession

Beyond Prayer Intercession

Yes, beyond my gift of intercessory prayer, God has blessed me with the skills of coaching entrepreneurs and small business owners. I have more than twenty-five years of experience. I was told the other day that I was the best-kept secret. The person said, and I will...

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