It’s the day after the elections in America. The atmosphere is a conflicting mixture of calm and chaos. We are learning of the projected winner per state, and I hear the Holy Spirit say to me, “How many times has the enemy been the “Projected” winner in your life?

Here I am once again at the intersection of people, prayer, and politics and find myself thinking back over my life of all the times I thought the enemy had won in my life. Not so. He always loses even when the fight is long, challenging, and exhausting.

Early this morning when I received that word, I have had an unusual peace. Years past, you would have found me glued to the television, watching the returns and holding onto every word of the commentator. My heart would have been racing by now, and my mind would have been filled with doubt. That’s not what I am feeling.

Before today, I felt exhaustion coming upon me as I worked the last month of this election and reporting daily on News in Motion. However, exhaustion was overpowered by my passion and motivation to educate others to plan their vote. Each day I gained the strength necessary to speak truth to power. I answered as many questions as possible and provide factual information to help voters be informed from building a sample ballot to voter safety to voting rights to understanding HAVA and ADA voting with disability laws.

Record-breaking numbers of early voters.

Voter oppression and suppression.

Federal judges’ orders, and those who ignored the law.

Attorney’s from the opposing side trying to toss out votes without cause.

The bewilderment I experienced while helping the young, old, disabled, and frustrated voters have left me motivated to build something that reaches every demographic across the political landscape that includes a measure of prayer for all people.

The projected winner is just that, projected. No one has indeed won. We watch in the distance with way too many questions, especially since mail-in-ballots are still coming in with many still hidden inside the United States Postal Services walls. Every vote should count, right? Who gives anyone permission to project a winner if a legal voting citizen of these United States ballots has not been counted? The projected winner isn’t yet the winner because of a significant flaw.


Yes, the Holy Spirit has helped me. There are too many times to count where the enemy has been the projected winner in my life, but I came out with the victory.

In the words of a presidential candidate, “Keep the faith.”

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